Website services in Hitchin – no, really

Now here’s a funny thing. If you search on Google for ‘Hitchin web design’ you’ll find you get a lot of results. But you don’t have to go very far down the list before something strange starts to emerge.
Some of these companies have a pretty broad idea of what it means to be in Hitchin. Call up their websites, have a look at their location, and you’ll find they’re based in places like Staffordshire or Derbyshire. Even some of the closer ones turn out to be in St Albans, Hertford, Dunstable or Biggleswade.
Of course, the web being what it is, you can get your new website built by a team at the other end of the country – or even as far away as India – if you can sort out a sufficiently good working relationship.
But there’s the problem.
It’s far easier to work with someone based close by. You can do a lot with online project management tools, offshore teams and virtual meeting spaces – trust us, we have – but nothing beats the ability to hold a face-to-face meeting, stop by for a cup of tea, or seal a deal with a handshake.
We can, have, and do work with people and businesses across the Home Counties, London and the Thames Valley. But if you’re a Hitchin business, looking for a Hitchin-based coder, content expert, WordPress specialist or copywriter, then we’re right on your doorstep.

1984 – not a design classic
Onlineability director Andy Darley’s first bits of published writing were in the school magazines at William Ransom and Hitchin Boys’, while the principles of typography, colour and composition so carefully instilled by Messrs Cable and Nodes in HBS art lessons still inform his design work.
Now back in Hitchin, he and co-principal Lisa Hutchins are enjoying working to bring their skills in website management, information architecture and copywriting to businesses in the town and across North Hertfordshire.
If we need a few essentials for the office, we’ll be popping into the town centre to buy them. And if we need half an hour of fresh air at lunchtime or after work, chances are we’ll go for a wander around Ninesprings or along the Purwell Valley somewhere.
Now, that’s local.